The Catalyst is the official News Outlet of the Klingon Armada International.
Back in the early days of KAI, The Catalyst was a paper newsletter like every other fan-run club. That meant dot matrix printers, Xerox machines, staples, and postage stamps. As a result, it also meant wide variation in production times, lost deliveries, and the occasional skipped/combined issues. Worst of all, it was less “news” than “olds” – rather than announcements of upcoming events, it was mostly reports on past occurrences.
Now we are in Earth’s Twenty-First Century – The Information Age - and we are envisioning a world of the Twenty-Third and Twenty-Fourth Centuries, where information exchange will almost certainly happen even faster than it does now. Monthly photocopied fan-made newsletters are things of the past. So The Catalyst has moved to a new medium: Social Media.
The Catalyst Facebook Page is now the portal for the Klingon Armada International’s latest updates, announcements and Star Trek and science news. Instead of monthly updates, you can expect near-daily information from around the galaxy! All you have to do is go to the Catalyst Facebook Page and click “Like” to “subscribe” and “Follow” to receive instant notification of updates.
Keep informed. Join the conversation. Support the Empire!
The Catalyst is always looking for submissions for publish ranging from ship mission reports, science and science fiction news, warrior death notices (for the Halls-of-Sto-Vo-Kor), and most importantly, upcoming events. Anything you think would be good to share, send it to the Catalyst staff. Just go to the Catalyst Facebook Page and send us a Message.